Branch Info

It seems the objectives of the Legion have always been to advance the spirit of comradeship and mutual assistance among all who have served and to never forget the deeds of the fallen.

Since our original inception on April 15, 1917, the Royal Canadian Legion in Prince Albert has been dedicated to serving the needs of Veterans, current and former military, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, provincial/municipal Law Enforcement and Corrections personel in this area.

The Legion hosts Remembrance & Decoration Day ceremonies, tends to veterans' graves, advocates for Military and Law Enforcement Personel and donates to the community.
Our Legion in Prince Albert is a volunteer-led organization with strong community roots.

Our facility is comprised of an upper-level Lounge with bar, gaming area, and a display room with artifacts, photographs and medals from days gone by. Downstairs is our banquet auditorium and full kitchen.

We offer three types of membership: Ordinary for ex-military personel, Associate for those directly related to military or law enforcement members and Affiliate for those who support the beliefs of the Legion but are not linked to military service.

Anyone can join the Legion. Our club is open to the public. Please sign-in when you arrive. If you enjoy our club, we encourage membership.   We offer food, drinks, recreation and fellowship. There are pool, cribbage, shuffleboard and darts activities. Check out the Legion today. It's not just your grandfather's club anymore.

Lounge Hours

New Hours for Lounge
Closing times may vary depending on functions at the facility ...
Inquiries may be made by calling the Lounge 306-763-7979

Office Hours

Hours for Legion Office
Closing times may vary depending on functions at the facility ...
Inquiries may be made by calling the Office 306-763-7201